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West Central CSD



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Tuesday, March 11th



Blue Pride Assembly 8:30am

5th-12th Band Concert (gym) 7pm


7th-12th Choir Concert (aud) 7pm


1. There is an "interest" sheet in the office for those that would be interested in Driver's Ed this spring (April). Please put your name on the list by March 17th and as we get more information we will send it or pass it out.

2. Play Practices this week: Tuesday 3:30-5 in the auditorium for those who can make it, Wednesday 3:30-6:00 in the auditorium, Thursday 3:30-5 in the commons for those who can make it, Friday 5-8 in the auditorium, Saturday 9-noon in the auditorium. Please tell Ms. Martin ASAP if you cannot make these dates.